
  • Kotor 2 Sonic Imprint Sensor
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 23. 01:46
    Kotor 2 Sonic Imprint Sensor

    A sonic imprint sensor was a small device that allowed recording, splicing, and playback of voices. It could construct any phrase in a given voice if enough samples of that voice were available, allowing its owners to bypass voice locks. Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: A mod requested by the user 'Roth9' this mod swaps the Comlink Icon and the Sonic Imprint Sensor Icon as they appeared to have the wrong icons associated with them. This page was last edited on 6 November 2017, at 04:23. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Star Wars: The Old Republic content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Electronic Arts or its licensors.

    Okay, this one's going to be long (it takes 7/8 hours to get off peragus). It's been a while, but I think you have to go up the ramp, where you'll see a cut scene where you see the ebon hawk docked in the hangar below. Unfortunately, the door leading to the hangar is missing a conduit, so you have to take the long way around. Find some spikes/computer parts, and use the console to unlock the door leading to the fuel depot. Make your way through the depot.

    When you get to the part with the force fields, wander around until you come to another console. Unlock the emergency hatch into the peragus tunnels. After you switch back to your character, backtrack to the hatch that was closed before (where kreia said 'in my visions it was open'), and enter the tunnels. Work your way through the tunnels. When you come to the command section (with more force fields), use the console to lower the force fields (might be called 'fuel containment fields'). Also program the droids to open the door.

    Once you get out, you're greeted by an HK droid. In order to get out of this section, you have to exit via the airlock. To get out, talk to the HK droid to find the password. Explore near the workbench for a clue to solving the password problem. Use the hatch to the administration level to go back to the holologs in the security room to get the clips you need (or record the HK droid's playback of the password). Input the password into the console, grab the space suit, and go for a walk out the airlock. Once you get to the dormitories, work your way through til you get to the turbolift.

    Make sure you explore the dorms til you get the code for the turbolift. When you return, and you have atton and kreia in your party, make your way to the ship that docked (the Harbinger).

    Once inside, make your way through til you get to the fuel lines. Reenter the facility, where you'll find t3. Go through the door, and make your way back to the console above the hangar. This time, replace the conduit and enter the hangar. Make your way through, board the ship, blast some sith, and you're off.

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    'Sometimes it seems life does not treat you right. Sometimes it seems it is the Force as well. Perhaps that is just the way things are. The way things work. And in the end, there is always the need. The need for a balance.

    A balance that will never be there.' Chapter OneIn 3951 BBY, five years after Revan mysteriously vanished, her ship- the Ebon Hawk- entered the Peragus system with six passengers on board: two droids that belonged to Revan, T3-M4 and a damaged HK-47, and there were two other droids, 3C-FD and an HK-50 assassin droid. Two humans were on board as well: Revan herself, and an old woman- Revan being unconscious and the old woman apparently dead.T3-M4 reactivated himself and took a look at his surroundings.The ship was heavily damaged. There was the dead old woman on the floor. Revan was badly injured. And the Ebon Hawk was headed straight towards the sun of the Peragus system.T3 searched the ship hurriedly, looking for something to help repair the hyperdrive- and ended up bumping into a damaged 3C. T3 repaired the droid, only to get a rude response when 3C activated himself.

    T3 was offended by that. He explained in several beeps what the situation was and 3C immediately agreed to help.T3 and 3C managed to find the parts needed to fix the hyperdrive- only to run into an armed HK-50 droid along the way.'

    Statement: You will hand over those parts at once and will lead me to the target,' HK-50 spoke, pointing his gun at 3C. T3 suddenly electrocuted the HK droid and took off to the hyperdrive, 3C trailing behind him.T3 hurriedly repaired the hyperdrive while 3C locked the door to the hyperdrive room. A sudden whirring sound could be heard, much to the two astromechs' relief. But their job wasn't done yet. And that HK droid outside the hyperdrive room wasn't about to make it easy.' Wake up,' a voice spoke in Revan's mind as she stirred. 'Wake up, child.

    There is much to be done. Revan suddenly found herself lying on the metallic floor, wet and cold. She coughed up some of the kolto liquid that she must've swallowed- evidently it didn't agree with her stomach. '.where am I.?' Revan looked at her surroundings and sighed. It was one of those kolto tank rooms, apparently.Revan stood up and walked towards the door, frowning slightly.

    It was locked. But since her mind was reprogrammed to have the memories of a smuggler, she could deal with a locked door no problem. It was just a matter of hacking the door's computer.The lock eventually gave a satisfying click and the door silently slid open.Revan looked to her left and noticed a room full of medical supplies. She'd need that. Thankfully the door wasn't locked and it slid open right away.

    Revan rummaged through the lockers, finding a few medpacs and antidote kits.' They're really skimping on the medical supplies in this place.' She turned towards the room's exit and saw a morgue.

    'Maybe I'll find something useful in there. Other than corpses.' She walked inside and searched the nearest body she saw- the body of that old woman who was on the Ebon Hawk. 'Nothing valuable here.' Revan turned to search another body when a voice asked, 'Do you not think it rude to search the body of someone who isn't quite dead yet?' Startled, Revan turned to see the old woman standing up. The woman continued with, 'I would think it rude.'

    'Great, just great,' Atton muttered to himself as he regained consciousness and saw he was in an energy cell. 'I knew I shouldn't have trusted that Twi'lek dancer girl- her and her pretty head tails.

    I should have known that she'd get me into trouble.' He sat down in his literally cramped cell, uncertain as to how to escape. 'Just my lucky day.' 'I thought you were dead!'

    Revan exclaimed, staring at the old woman.' Who do you think helped you escape from that kolto tank?' The woman asked irritably. 'You yourself, or I?'

    'You,' Revan answered. 'Your voice, I heard it when I was waking up and trying to get out of the tank. Who are you?' 'No time for pleasantries. You may call me Kreia. Now, we must find our way out of here.'

    Kreia paused briefly and then continued, 'And I sense the presence of someone on board this station who may be willing to help us. In the meantime.' Suddenly there was a the sound of a door lock clicking, startling Atton. He stood up in the energy cell, curious as to who was coming in the room. The metal door slid open, and evidently Revan was on the other side.'

    Well, things are starting to look up,' Atton commented, instantly smitten with her- unfortunately.' Oh, shut up,' Revan told him. She walked into the room and said, 'I'm here because an acquaintance and I need your help.' 'Wait a dang haired minute.

    You're Revan, aren't you?! The former Sith Lord!' 'I was Revan, yes. But my name is Meetra now, and I'd appreciate it if you'd call me that instead.'

    'Nice to meet you, Meetra. 'Quit the pleasantries,' Revan spoke. 'I'm going to deactivate your cell, okay? Don't try anything funny.' 'I swear on my Mom's grave.'

    'That's even more disturbing.' Revan tapped a few buttons on a nearby computer terminal and the cell deactivated.'

    Atton exclaimed. 'It smelled like some drunkard doused the cell with bottles of juma juice. And trust me, too much juma juice equals stench for weeks. Now, what was it you needed me for again?' 'Something tells me that I'm going to hate this.' Revan and Atton reached the console in the Administrative Center of the Peragus station.'

    This console looks smaller than I imagined,' commented Revan as she tapped at few keys on the console, trying to get it working.' Why don't you let me try?' Atton asked, pushing Revan aside.'

    I'm not a baby!' Revan snapped, but she let him get to work. After a few moments, Atton commented, 'Must be tough, to not have a husband or family. With you being a Jedi and all.' 'You mean Jedi Exile? Revan corrected.

    'And it's not hard to be alone. Though Carth Onasi and I flirted a bit back on-' She stopped speaking for a moment, then continued with, 'back on Taris.' 'Wasn't that the planet that got blown to bits by a Sith assault?'

    Suddenly the console beeped and Atton exclaimed, 'Hang on! I'm getting something!' He studied the console screen a minute before saying, 'Well, what'ya know?

    There's an active droid somewhere on the station- near the mines, I think. An astromech?' Revan suddenly shoved Atton aside and started tapping away at the console. After a minute there was the sound of static- which was followed by a curious beeping sound.' 'T3, is that you?' Revan addressed.'

    T3 replied, obviously excited to hear his owner's voice.' Never have I been so happy to hear those beeps!' Revan exclaimed happily.Atton frowned slightly, rather confused by the situation. 'This place just keeps getting weirder and weirder.'

    With Revan's guidance and Atton's constant interruptions, T3 managed to reach his goal without any trouble- unless one were to count the numerous mining droids he zapped and incinerated.T3's goal was the console for unlocking the emergency hatch. All he had to do was slice the computer, unlock the hatch, and he was done. Which is exactly what he did.Just as T3 informed Revan of his success, the little astromech was suddenly electrocuted by something.' Revan addressed over the comlink. 'T3, do you read me? Say something!'

    'What happened now?!' Atton asked, thoroughly annoyed at this point.Revan, who was still trying to contact T3, replied, 'I don't know. I lost contact with T3. I think something bad happened to him. I'm willing to bet that something, or someone, is still on the station.'

    'And they don't want us to leave,' Atton finished. 'Great, just great. Now we've got a droid killer on the loose. And they just might kill us.

    Definitely my lucky day.' 'I'm going to go look for him,' Revan stated, already headed towards the emergency hatch to the mines.' You're crazy,' Atton told her, frowning. 'Even for a Jedi Exile.' 'Do you want to go down there?' Revan asked, turning to face Atton. 'Because that can be arranged.'

    'On second thought, I'll stay up here and uh. Guard the console.' Atton patted the console as if to emphasise.

    'Don't want anybody, uh. Messing with it, you know.' Revan exited the emergency hatch doors that led to the mines. Not too far away from her was a small metal container. She walked towards it and attempted to unlock it. It wouldn't open.' If I can't hack the lock, then I'll just have to break it!'

    Kotor 2 Sonic Imprint Sensor Location

    Revan picked up a rock and literally smashed the lock. The container's lid slid open, revealing a safety harness, a miner's uniform, a mining energy shield, and a Stun Baton.' What'd you find down there?' Atton asked over the comlink. 'I still don't see anybody up here- you sure that stupid droid isn't just messing with us?' 'T3 isn't stupid.

    And yes, I'm sure. I did find some clothes and-'Dammit!' Revan asked as she rummaged through the container, looking to see if there was anything else in it. 'Why, you like seeing me in my-'Er, I mean, that's great!' Atton exclaimed, shaking his head. 'Good for you.

    Definitely no sense in running around half-naked. It's distracting. For the droids, I mean! 'Yeah, that's what I thought.' Revan dressed into the uniform, put on the safety harness and the energy shield, and headed through the damp and clammy mines.

    'This place smells pretty bad.' 'Probably the oil,' Atton replied. 'So, uh, Meetra. Why were you exiled anyway? From what I heard, you just up and poof! What really happened?

    I mean, I thought you had redeemed yourself and all. 'It's not something I want to discuss right now,' Revan responded after a moment. It's something I don't like to look back on.' 'Alright, just wondering. Check back on you later, okay?' Revan crawled through the tunnels for what may have been forty minutes when she heard a familiar voice in her head say, 'Wait.' 'No time to explain now.

    Can you not sense them? They are not far away.

    The things that are not alive, yet, in some way live.' Can feel them too,' Revan replied. She frowned considerably and asked, 'But I thought my connection to-'The Force was always with you. Did not reach out to it. But now, you are reaching towards it. Feeling it there, as it has always been.

    But be careful, child. I sense danger beyond.' 'I'll be careful,' Revan told Kreia. She walked a few more yards and saw three droids that were attempting to destroy some rubble. She turned on an energy shield as the droids turned around and shot at her.Revan then pulled out the Stun Baton and hit one of the droids with it- electrocuting it instantly. She did the same to the other two droids, though she took some blaster fire along the way. But it wasn't anything a medpac or two couldn't take care of.She walked through the tunnels awhile longer before Atton contacted her again.

    Looks like there's something ahead of you- whatever it is, it's pretty high in temperature. As in the 'literally gonna cook you' high temperature. So unless you have an energy shield, you'll be fried Exile. 'Don't worry, Atton,' Revan replied.

    'I have an energy shield. And stop saying 'literally' so much.' Atton ignored that last part and just said, 'Good. Turn it on and try not to linger in there.' 'Why would I be stupid enough to linger in a part of the mine that's got a super high temp?'

    'Just don't get killed down there,' Atton told her, already irritated.' Yes, 'Master',' Revan replied sarcastically, activating her energy shield. 'Here goes nothing.'

    Revan managed to reach a large platform that was hundreds of feet above the rest of the mines. She looked down the side of the platform. 'That's one big drop.'

    She walked across the metallic platform to a computer- which controlled the containment fields.In order to progress further into the tunnels, she had to shut the containment fields down. Otherwise she would end up fried going through the other tunnels, quite literally.' I'm at the console for the containment fields,' Revan informed Atton as she sliced into the system. 'Just have to deactivate them.' The console gave a satisfying beep, telling Revan that she had succeeded.' Okay,' Atton replied.

    'And let me guess. You're still gonna look for that droid?'

    Revan replied. Suddenly an alarm sounded and she heard a group of droids approaching. Hang on,' Atton said over the comlink as Revan used her Stun Baton to electrocute the droids.' Revan asked as she kicked one droid off the platform.' Looks like by shutting down the fuel containment, you accidentally set off something.

    The place is gonna blow you to bits if you don't get outta there right now!' So much for exploring the rest of the mines.' Warning taken,' Revan responded, electrocuting the last droid on that part of the platform. She ran towards a nearby turbolift, electrocuting a few more droids along the way, and jumped inside. Just as the doors slid shut, Revan could hear multiple explosions outside the turbolift. 'Why is it always in the nick of time?' The turbolift doors slid open and the first thing Revan saw was a body.

    She walked towards it and felt for a pulse. There was none.' Revan turned around, startled, to see an HK-50 droid standing behind her.'

    Query: How may I be of assistance, master?' The droid asked.' You can start by telling me who you are,' Revan replied, frowning. She already sensed something was off about the droid.

    'And by the way, I'm not your master.' 'Prideful Statement: I am HK-50, at your service, master.'

    'Never mind,' Revan muttered. 'Have you seen a T3 unit anywhere?' 'Hesitant Answer: No, master.

    I have not seen any T3 units here.' 'Maybe the T3 unit I'm looking for is near the hangar, then?' Revan theorised, watching the HK droid's reactions carefully.' Theoretical Statement: Perhaps, master,' the droid replied.' Is there any way I can get to my ship from here?' 'It's probably in the hangar too.' 'Pitying Answer: Not that I know of, master.

    It is quite likely that we are both trapped here for good. And even if you could get to your ship, you would need the access codes to the hangar bay doors. And even if you had the access codes, you would also need access to the navigation charts- otherwise leaving will be perfectly suicidal.'

    'Well, where can I get those codes and the charts?' 'Statement: Only the administration officer has the codes.' 'Can we contact him via comlink?' Revan asked the droid.'

    Apology: Unfortunately, communication with the administration officer is impossible. He has sealed himself off in another part of the station and cannot be contacted using a comlink- and I am afraid that this man here, who is dead, was the only means of getting to the administration officer,' the HK droid replied.' 'Statement: He was the only one with the codes for the airlock, which would take you to the outside of the station. From there, you could reach the administration officer.' 'Well, we just have to figure out what those codes were!'

    'Pitying Answer: Even if you knew what the codes were, you would not be able to access the airlock. It is protected by voice protocol.

    And you would also need a space suit to protect your body from radiation and deprivation of oxygen.' Revan exclaimed. 'There must be another way.' 'Statement: I do have the access code,' the HK droid spoke, 'and I can mimic voices as well.' 'Well, that solves the problem then!'

    Revan responded. 'What are we waiting for, let's go!' 'Objection: Master!

    That would go against my programming! An act of violation of my protocols!' Revan thought a moment and came up with an idea. 'If I can't get him to say it to the console, I'll just have to record it.' 'Query: Did you say something, master?' 'It's not important,' Revan told him.

    'I have to go now.' 'Statement: As you wish, master,' the droid replied. 'I will remain here for now.'

    Revan searched the area for anything useful and found a Vibroblade, a blaster, a Sonic Imprint Sensor, and a few components inside a rather small Plasteel cylinder.' Finally, actual weapons,' Revan commented, examining the Vibroblade and the blaster.

    'Now to record a certain code.' Revan walked back to where the HK droid was and said, 'It's pretty impressive you can mimic voices. Do you think you can mimic the dead officer's voice and say the code, just for me?'

    'Slightly Prideful Statement: Oh, why not? It is very rare that I impress an organic.' The droid repeated the access code, unaware of Revan recording it.' Query: How was that master?'

    The droid asked.' Perfect, thank you,' Revan replied, trying not to smirk. 'I'll be going now.' 'Statement: Alright, master. I will remain here.' 'Now I just need to find a space suit,' Revan told herself quietly, 'and get to the administration officer.'

    Revan had to bash the console to open the last door on that floor, but it was worth it. Other than the floating mines, which she had to blow up using her blaster. But that wasn't a huge problem.

    At the other end of the room, Revan found what she needed- a space suit. All she had to do now was put on the suit, unlock the airlock, and she could get to the administration officer.' It almost seems too easy,' commented Revan as she pulled on the bulky space suit. 'Way too easy.' She stepped through the airlock and onto the metal platform outside.

    And that's when she saw the view. 'Well, that's kind of pretty. But there isn't any time to stop and admire the stars.' She walked down the platform several yards or so when Atton contacted her again.' Hey, Meetra, where the hell are you?! The sensors on the console here say you're outside of the station, but that's impossible!'

    Typical Atton.Revan looked to her right and what did she see through the window next to her- Atton tapping away at the Administrative Console.' Hey, Atton,' Revan spoke, 'look up!'

    Atton looked up through the window and his eyes widened in shock more than anything else.' Walking in space? What are you doing out there?!' Revan grinned and joked, 'Oh, just taking a little stroll outside the station, nothing more.' 'You're crazy, even for a Jedi Exile.' 'Hah hah, that was funny the first twenty times.' 'Yeah, yeah, whatever,' Atton replied.

    'Sensors are picking up a ship not too far away from the station. It looks like they're trying to dock. What ever you're doing out there, do it fast, because I have a bad feeling about this.' 'Righto, 'Master,' Revan joked.' Please stop doing that.'

    'You're no fun!' 'Hang on,' Atton said. 'The ship that's docking here, it looks like Republic ship but.'

    'Sensors say that there's only one person on board.' Revan managed to reach the other side of the station, only to be greeted by a tall, bulky droid. Well, this nothing a blaster can't take care of!' Revan shot the droid's head and chest several times- destroying it quickly. 'Bloody droids.' She saw the horribly mangled corpse of man just a few yards away. The man was wearing a gas mask on his face.

    Kotor 2 Sonic Imprint Sensor Map

    Revan was disgusted at the idea of having to wear a dead man's breath mask, but the room ahead was filled with gas. And that gas was likely to be lethal.Revan pulled the gas mask of the corpse's face and mumbled an apology.

    'As if corpses need an apology. Apologies are nothing. Useless, that's what they are!' Revan was very much startled by the sarcastic and unsympathetic thought.

    And then there was a similar thought. 'That Atton back there is just as useless. He is just a tool- a tool that can be disposed of. That you can dispose of. You don't need him.

    Or anyone else for that matter!' She pushed that thought away- Atton wasn't useless. He was a fool, yes. He was annoying, yes.

    But he wasn't useless, nor was he disposable. He was a person, not a tool.Revan, after cleaning the gas mask as best as she could and then putting it on, search the area for the administration officer- or whatever was left of him, anyway.

    She eventually found his corpse hanging over a blank computer console. 'Well, that was a waste.' She frowned slightly and continued, 'Then again. Maybe he's got a data pad with the code on it.'

    Revan searched his corpse and sure enough, there was a data pad. But bits of the code were missing from the data pad. At that moment, Atton contacted her again. 'Hey, you done yet? I'm getting really nervous back here, you know!

    Might end up in another cell. Maybe an even smaller one.' 'Don't worry too much, Atton,' Revan told him. 'I'm coming.' The turbolift doors slid open and Revan was greeted by an overly anxious Atton and a very calm Kreia.' Where the hell have you been?!'

    Atton glanced around and continued, 'This old Jedi lady keeps creeping me out- I want to get out of here!' 'Relax, Atton,' Revan told him. 'I got the access codes for the hangar bay for the Ebon Hawk- I'm just wondering what happened to T3. And why that Republic ship only has one person on it.' 'I bet that stupid droid is probably hiding somewhere on the Ebon Hawk,' Atton responded.' I suggest we investigate the Republic ship,' Kreia spoke.

    'We may find what we need there.' Revan knew what she meant. The navigation charts were somewhere on that ship- most likely in a console on the bridge.' Agreed,' Revan replied.

    'C'mon, Atton, let's go.' I'd rather be back in that cell!' 'That can be arranged,' Revan told him, 'but be warned- after a while, force cages tend to. And depending on the type of malfunction.' 'Okay, okay, I'm coming! Don't get your Jedi pants in bunch!' Unless one were to count the number of Sith Assassins on the ship (which for some reason the sensors didn't pick up when the ship docked), the trio managed to pass through with relative ease.As they walked down a corridor, Revan felt a nagging thought in the back of her head.

    She wasn't sure what it was that kept nagging her, that kept worming its way in her head. Suddenly she stopped in front of a door.' Something up?' Atton asked.' I think I was on this ship once before,' Revan answered after a moment. This was my room.

    I don't know why, though. I don't remember.' Kreia was silent a minute, then told her, 'Hurry, and get what you will need. We will wait here.' Revan nodded and opened the door. It seemed very familiar, but not in a good way. Instead of having a welcoming feeling, it seemed as though there was a.

    Nothingness in the room. A feeling of emptiness. Hopelessness, almost.She grabbed what she felt she needed- an armband, a few medpacs, and a Quartestaff- and exited the room. I have what I need.' The trio were walking down a corridor to the bridge when Atton stopped and said, 'I'm getting a bad feeling about this.' 'You're gonna end up with more than a 'bad feeling' if you keep it up, Atto-'Revan was interrupted by Kreia saying, 'I sense a dark prepresence on this ship. It is not the Sith Assassins we have been encountering.'

    'Are you sure it's not the Sith Assassins?' Revan asked, puzzled.' Kreia replied, 'I recognize this presence- we must hurry. He will not stop until you are dead.' The trio hadn't taken even two steps towards the end of the corridor when the door at the other end of the hall opened.

    Into the corridor stepped a hideous looking man- his skin pale white and scaly, his eyes dark and unnatural. He literally looked like a walking corpse. The man held an ignited, red-bladed lightsaber in his right hand.'

    There you are, Exile,' he said, looking directly at Revan. 'You've been difficult to track down, but now, you are finally within my grasp!'

    Kreia looked at Revan and Atton and said, 'I will fight him to stall for time. You must retrieve the charts from the bridge and go to the Ebon Hawk!' Before either Atton or Revan could say anything, Kreia opened the bridge door using the Force and Force pushed them inside, closing the door seconds later.' Revan pounded loudly on the door, calling her name, but to no avail. Atton pulled her away and said, 'Meetra!

    What's-her-name is gonna be alright. She's an old lady who probably knows how to protect herself- she'll be fine! Now let's get those docking procedures and get out of here!'

    'But-'No 'but's!' 'I have the navigation charts,' Revan told Atton as she unplugged a data pad from the bridge's console. 'Let's move.' Atton unlocked a door that led to the Main Engine Room. 'You sure we should go through the Engine Room? It might-'Look, it's either that or the other airlock,' Revan interrupted. 'Besides, more Sith Assassins might be waiting for us in the other airlock.

    We'll be less likely to die going through the Engine Room, which will lead to the vents, which will lead back into the station.' After running down two or three corridors, they managed to reach the Main Engine Room.' Okay, now what, Miss Jedi Exile Know-it-all?' Atton asked.Revan ignored Atton and looked towards the other end of the room, where a console sat next to a door. She walked towards it and started slicing into the computer. 'If I'm right, then.' Suddenly the door slid open silently, revealing the vents.'

    Well, I'll be damned,' commented Atton. 'I'm impressed.' Revan just shrugged. 'These computers have pretty bad defenses anyway. It was easy.' She hadn't even walked two steps when suddenly she let out a cry of pain and clutched her left hand.'

    Atton rushed over to her and examined her hand. 'What happened? What's going on?' It felt like it was being dipped into molten carbonite.'

    Atton was looking at her strangely, so she took a deep breath and said, 'Never mind, I'm fine. Let's keep moving.' 'You're not fine, something just-'Zip it, Atton, and follow me!'

    'Yes, ma'am,' Atton replied, releasing Revan's hand and following her through the vents.They had gone through several parts of the vents when Revan suddenly raised her hand as signal to stop. 'What is it now?' Atton asked irritably.' I sense something. A droid, I think.' She went down the path to her right and saw a small astromech droid. 'You don't sound too good,' Revan told T3, examining him.

    'Are you still able to move?' 'Dweet-dooweet,' T3 replied.' Alright, let me fix you up a bit. After we leave the station, I'll do a more thorough repair.'

    'So the droid wasn't hiding on the ship,' Atton commented sarcastically. 'How did you get down here anyway?' Revan asked the little droid as she repaired him, ignoring Atton.' 'An HK droid electrocuted you and threw you down here?' 'You wonder what?'

    Atton asked.' I'm done making repairs for now. Let's get moving.' It was quite a struggle, with the onslaught of droids, and trying to figure out what pieces of the access code to the hangar were missing, but somehow the trio managed to reach the Ebon Hawk just in time.

    Just as Atton reached the cockpit, there was a sudden explosion on the side of the ship.' Let's give the ship's turret a workout while I get this thing up and running,' Atton said.' Revan ran down to where the turret control console was and what did she see on the camera? Sith troops charging right for the ship! 'How do I get myself into these situations?' She blasted most of the Sith troopers, while some accidentally stepped on mines that they failed to notice.

    And it didn't end well for those particular troops. Some of the troopers accidentally shot each other or themselves. A few, however, managed to board the Ebon Hawk unscathed.Atton contacted Revan via comlink and told her, 'You better get up here. We've got company.'

    Kotor 2 Sonic Imprint Sensor
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